Friday, 27 September 2013 09:38

Preparation begins for final vows and first mission

Four young men took important steps forward in their lives as Divine Word Missionaries recently, with Bernadinus Asmon, Prakash Menezes and Trien Nguyen beginning their formal preparation for final vows, and Paulo Vatunitu receiving his Mission Cross, ahead of his first assignment.

These signs of commitment were made during a special Eucharistic celebration at Dorish Maru College in Melbourne, during which the men were urged to base their missionary life on their personal encounter with Jesus.

Paulo, who made his final vows in March (pictured below) and will be ordained to the priesthood on Saturday, October 5, has been assigned as a missionary to the SVD Northern Philippines Province.

paulo finalvows 740Fr Henry Adler SVD, Mission Secretary and Provincial-Elect, celebrated the Eucharist and presented Paulo with his Mission Cross. He said it was a significant moment in the life of any Divine Word Missionary.

“All of our men receive the Mission Cross when they are preparing themselves for their first mission,” Fr Henry said. “It is a significant moment for them.”

Fr Henry said it was also a momentous occasion for Bernadinus (Bedi), Prakash and Trien (pictured below) who are beginning their formal preparation for final vows.

Final-vows-prep2---350“This marks the beginning of the last stage of formation as Divine Word Missionaries,” he said. “After completing their theological studies they will now focus more fully on prayer and discernment about the nature of the vows, of religious life and of mission.”

The preparation for final vows typically takes between six to eight months. During this time they will also prepare their application for their first mission assignment as Missionaries of the Divine Word, and they will undertake a 30 day retreat.

In his homily during the Eucharistic Celebration, Fr Henry drew from the example of the Korean martyr St Andrew Kim Taegon, whose feast day it was. He was the first native Korean priest, who gave witness to his faith by paying the ultimate price – his life.

Fr Henry said it could only have been a personal experience of Jesus Christ that sustained St Andrew Kim Taegon in his difficult life and persecution.

Final-vows-prep---350“So, as you Bedi, Prakash and Trien prepare yourself to make a life commitment as SVDs, and as you Paulo prepare yourself to be a missionary in the Philippines, hold on to your personal experience of Jesus. Don’t lose sight of him, and seek him in your daily prayer and meditation and pastoral encounters.

“True mission comes from a personal experience of Jesus, which will produce authentic joy.

“We pray today that, like St Andrew Kim, the Apostles and the many women who followed Jesus, you will share that God-experience with the people you will be sent to and invite many people to share in the joy of God’s Kingdom.”