Tuesday, 30 August 2022 19:50

Delayed Thanksgiving Mass a graced occasion

Clement Baffoe SVD Thanksgiving Mass Ghana 550Almost two years after his priestly ordination in Melbourne, Fr Clement Baffoe SVD was finally able to return to his home village in Ghana to celebrate his Thanksgiving Mass with family, friends and parish community members.

Fr Clement, who was assigned to the SVD Australia Province, and is currently serving in the Ministerial Region of the Good Shepherd in Townsville, Queensland, says the trip back home, after the long pandemic separation, was a graced opportunity to give thanks to God.

He was also able to celebrate the funerals of two close family members, while he was back home.

“The two days preceding the Thanksgiving Mass were actually used to celebrate the funerals of my Dad, who passed away last year, and my brother, who passed away a couple of days before my Thanksgiving Mass,” he says.

“It was really sad that these two close and important family members of mine couldn’t be there to celebrate the Thanksgiving Mass with me.”

Clement Baffoe SVD Thanksgiving Mass Mum croppedFr Clement’s Thanksgiving Mass took place on July 31 in his village of Kranka in Ghana.

“There were about 12 priests, mostly Divine Word Missionaries and a few Diocesan priests, who concelebrated with me,” he says.

“Fr Cyprian Kuupol SVD, the Provincial Superior of the Ghana Province was the homilist at Mass. In his homily, he reminded me of the vows I have taken and why I need to strive to be faithful to them. Likewise, he explained in detail to the congregation about the three vows – Poverty, Chastity and Obedience – that we have taken as religious priests.

“Whereas his words on the vows of Chastity and Obedience were aimed at me, he urged the congregation, especially my family, to have little or no expectations of me financially, due to the vow of poverty I have taken.

“Lastly, he thanked my family and my parish for giving me as a gift to the Society of the Divine Word and the Church at large.”

Fr Clement says that after Communion, some presentations were made by his family and the parish.

“I am the fifth priest to be ordained from my village and the second SVD priest,” he says.

He says the Thanksgiving Mass, back among his family and friends, was meaningful on a range of different levels.

Clement Baffoe SVD Thanksgiving Mass clergy 550“The Mass was really ‘Eucharistein’, that is, one of thanksgiving,” he says.

“It offered the opportunity to once again say ‘thank you’ to God for calling me to God’s service even though I am unworthy. It was also to say thank you to my family, friends, parish, priests and teachers who have shaped and prepared me for the life I live today.

“Lastly, the Thanksgiving Mass was meant to bring me some closure after missing out on such an important occasion for almost two years. It was a sublime opportunity for me to be at home to celebrate with my family and friends the kindness and generosity of our God.”

Fr Clement has now returned to his ministry in Townsville.

“After the celebrations, it’s good to be back in Australia to continue the mission of God,” he says.

“May the Lord of the harvest send more labourers to his harvest.”

PHOTOS: Fr Clement Baffoe SVD with family, friends, clergy, religious and parishioners in his home village of  Kranka in Ghana.