Friday, 30 September 2022 08:54

Society Matters magazine article earns Catholic press commendation

Society Matters Highly Commended ACPAThe Divine Word Missionaries’ Australian mission publication, Society Matters, has taken out a Highly Commended award at the recent Australasian Catholic Press Association awards dinner in Melbourne.

Society Matters won the commendation in the category for ‘Best Content – Faith and Life’ for a feature article on the SVD mission in Myanmar.

The story was about an SVD housing project in Myanmar which is providing decent homes to the poorest of the poor, many of whom have lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic and have been forced to return from the city to their small village.

Editor and journalist for Society Matters, Debra Vermeer, says she was delighted that the magazine, which has been published for more than 30 years, continued to be recognised for excellence.

Society Matters aims to bring the SVD’s missionary work to life for our friends, supporters and partners in mission, by telling the stories of the mission projects being supported by the AUS Province around the world. It’s one way of hearing the voice of those people whose life is changed by the Christian love and care of SVD missionaries, and those people who support them,” she says.

“The mission in Myanmar is a challenging one, so this recognition for our missionaries there and the incredible work they are doing, is particularly meaningful.”

Communications Coordinator for the SVD AUS Province, Fr Joseph Reddy SVD, says Communications is one of the key characteristic dimensions of the Society of the Divine Word and crucial to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

“While our Province now has a number of digital communications outlets, including the website, ‘In the Word’ eNews publication, social media and YouTube channels, it is gratifying that our flagship mission publication, Society Matters, has been recognised in this way,” he says.

Meanwhile, in other ACPA awards, the Australian Redemptorist publication The Majellan took out the top gong this year.

The national family publication, which started in the late 1940’s and also publishes digital content via its website, received the Bishop Kennedy Award for Overall Excellence in a Catholic Publication.

More than 60 Catholic media and communications professionals gathered for the occasion, and for the association’s annual conference and awards dinner which took place earlier this month, culminating in Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral with Melbourne Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli.

This year’s theme of the Conference focused on the words of Pope Francis from his 2021 World Day of Communications message, “Witnesses of the Truth, to go, to see, to share”.

2022 was the first conference for ACPA, following two years of cancellations caused by COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions.

The awards, which are held annually, recognise excellence in Catholic magazines, newspapers and digital publications across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific.

“As Catholic media, our role is to ensure we announce the good news of our faith, and The Majellan is a prime example of how this most important task is fulfilled in our digital era,” said ACPA President, Neil Helmore, from the Diocese of Townsville.

 “I congratulate and thank all ACPA members who came together for this special occasion, to learn and grow with each other in faith, particularly after two years of cancelled conferences because of COVID.”