Friday, 30 September 2022 10:43

Fr Francois returns home to Madagascar for Thanksgiving Mass

Francois in Madagascar 550A beautiful surprise awaited Fr Francois d’Assise Andrianihantana SVD when he finally returned to his home in Madagascar to celebrate his post-ordination Thanksgiving Mass – nine months after he was ordained a priest in Melbourne and three years since he last saw his family.

The COVID pandemic had prevented Fr Francois from returning home earlier, but when he arrived back in his home village, those difficulties melted away as he was met by all the children of his village, singing a special song, composed by his mother.

“When I arrived in my hometown, my family members were all there waiting to welcome me back home,” says Fr Francois, who is Assistant Priest at Emerald Parish in the Rockhampton Diocese, Queensland.

“We greeted and hugged one another under the spell of family love. Then all the children in my home village that were gathered there that day sang some special songs to welcome me.

“I was surprised and deeply moved as I did not expect them to do such an extraordinary thing on my arrival. I loved the songs they sang, and I asked who composed those two special songs?

“’They were composed by your mother for you’, my brother answered.

Francois and mum 350“Then Mam expressed herself: ‘We wished to be present at your priestly ordination,’ she said, ‘but we could not go so we have prepared this and those songs for you’

“’You really touched my heart Mam’, I replied, while giving her another big hug. ‘I love everything you prepared Mam, and I love you so much too. This is a memorable moment that I will never forget’.”

Four days after arriving, Fr Francois had the privilege of officiating at the wedding of two of his elder brothers who had been waiting for years for him to celebrate their wedding.

“Two days after the wedding, I celebrated my Thanksgiving Mass that I dedicated to my family and those who have been supporting me during my many years of studies,” he says.

Fr Francois completed his theological studies and formation in Australia at Dorish Maru College and was ordained in Melbourne last November, before receiving his first missionary assignment to the Australia Province, which he began in January.

He says many people from different parts of the world came to his Thanksgiving Mass and the celebration afterwards, which he had been saving up for while in Australia.

“Many of the SVD and diocesan priests were present to pray and to give thanks to God with me,” he says.

“Among those who came was Fr Sunil Nagothu SVD who represented the Australia Province and Fr Alex Dhae SVD, the regional superior of the SVD in Madagascar, along with other confreres and nuns.

Francois and Sunil in Madagascar 400“I sincerely give thanks to the SVD Australia Province for sending Fr Sunil to be there with me. His presence was a great support and joy, not only to me, but also to my family and to the SVD in Madagascar,” says Fr Francois.

Fr Sunil says it was a joy to be a part of Fr Francois’ Thanksgiving Mass, to meet his family, the local people and other SVDs present in Madagascar.

“It was a really wonderful occasion,” he says. “It took us 11 hours to reach Francois’ village which is in the central part of Madagascar, but I was made to feel very welcome during my time there. It was a great celebration.”

Fr Francois says he enjoyed every single day of his 28 days back home in Madagascar.

“I had a wonderful time with my family and friends. Each moment was precious to me,” he says.

“Now, I feel physically refreshed, spiritually renewed, emotionally strengthened and intellectually sharpened.

“So, I have come back to Australia to continue my mission here with great joy, readiness and a positive mindset.”


TOP RIGHT: Fr Francois with friends and family following his Thanksgiving Mass in Madagascar.

MIDDLE LEFT: Fr Francois with his mother, who had composed a song for his return.

BOTTOM RIGHT: Fr Sunil Nagothu SVD, with Fr Francois and his mother after the Thanksgiving Mass.