Thursday, 10 October 2013 18:06

Paulo Vatunitu SVD ordained to the priesthood

Paulo-ordination---350Paulo Vatunitu SVD was ordained to the priesthood on Saturday, October 5 in a ceremony infused with all the colour, prayerfulness and beautiful song of his homeland, Fiji.

Fr Paulo was ordained by Bishop Peter Elliott, Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne, at St Paschal’s Chapel, Box Hill.

Bishop Elliott told the congregation that when he asked Paulo what a priest is, Paulo’s quiet reply was: “A servant”.

“My son Paulo, supported by your family members, your brethren of the Society of the Divine Word, and by many friends, today you enter a new life of service, of leadership, of bringing the word of God and the sanctifying grace of God to people,” Bishop Elliott said.

“May your life of prayer be a wellspring to nourish you and sustain you in the joys, sufferings and challenges of your priestly ministry.”

The ordination Mass was filled with aspects of the Fijian culture. The choir, made up of SVD students and of men and women originally from the South Pacific, featured singing both in Fijian and English and was enriched by wonderful soloists. The Gospel book was brought in by Fijian dancers, the readers Paulo-ordination-with-bishop-and-confreres---350were Fijian, and the gifts were brought up by a couple in Fijian customary dress. Leis were also presented at the end of the celebration to Fr Paulo, Bishop Elliott and the two concelebrants.

At the end of the ceremony, Fr Paulo shared the story of his long journey to ordination.

The celebration continued afterwards with a meal at Dorish Maru College, which was generously provided by the Fijian, Indonesian and Vietnamese communities.

Fr Paulo has been assigned to the Northern Province of the Philippines for his first missionary assignment.