Monday, 27 February 2023 20:10

Fr Bill gives thanks for 50 years of friends in priestly life

Fr Bill Burt Golden Jubilee Ordination Mass 550Fr Bill Burt SVD marked his Golden Jubilee of priestly ordination recently with a “simple celebration” with confreres and friends at Melbourne’s Dorish Maru College.

It was fitting that Fr Bill’s celebration took place in an SVD formation house, given that he has worked in the formation area on several occasions over those 50 years of priesthood and missionary life.

Born and raised in Sydney, Fr Bill joined the Divine Word Missionaries in 1966. He completed his novitiate in Marburg, Queensland and then undertook his philosophy studies at the Marist Fathers’ seminary in Toongabbie, western Sydney. He then went to Flores, Indonesia where he studied theology at the SVD Major Seminary in Ledalero.

Fr Bill was ordained in Sydney on February 10, 1973, at his old high school chapel at St Ignatius College, Riverview. He was ordained by Archbishop Donatus Djagom, of Ende, Flores.

“After ordination, I returned to Indonesia, working in a parish there until 1976,” he says.

He then returned to Australia, taking on a new mission as Vocations Director for the SVD Australia Province.

In the years that followed, Fr Bill held different roles in Australia, Tonga and New Zealand, including youth ministry, Indonesian chaplaincy, formation and parish work. Fr Bill also served as Provincial of the AUS Province.

Fr Bill Burt Golden Jubilee of Ordination 2023He was very active in interfaith dialogue and was a founding member of the NSW branch of the Religions for Peace organisation.

“I also found the six years as the SVD Asia-Pacific Coordinator particularly rewarding,” he says.

In his mid-60s, Fr Bill returned to the formation area, working as a mentor for six years at the Ledalero Seminary in Flores.

Upon returning to Australia, he again worked in formation at Dorish Maru College before moving to the Janssen Spirituality Centre in Boronia, Victoria, where he is currently working as part of the team.

Fr Bill maintains his connection with Indonesia, using his language skills as a translator for the SVD-Ende Province.

He celebrated his Golden Jubilee with Mass and a social gathering at Dorish Maru College.

“It was a very simple celebration, but very nice,” he says.

Asked what he is most grateful for over his 50 years of priestly life, Fr Bill summed it up in one word: “Friendship.”


TOP RIGHT: Fr Bill Burt SVD celebrates Mass on the occasion of his Golden Jubilee of Ordination to the Priesthood.

BOTTOM LEFT: Fr Bill is pictured with Holy Spirit Sisters who attended his Jubilee celebration in Melbourne.