Thursday, 29 June 2023 18:51

ASPAC Communications Coordinators share ideas for spreading Good News

ASPAC Comms meeting 2023 group 550SVD Communications Coordinators from across the Asia-Pacific region gathered in Manila, the Philippines, recently to share ideas and resources for spreading the Good News in effective and innovative ways.

Communications Coordinator for the SVD Australia Province, Fr Joseph Reddy SVD, said the purpose of the gathering was “to enhance the communication skills and media learning of the SVD Provincial/Regional Communication Coordinators of the ASPAC Zone”.

The ASPAC Zone consists of 19 provinces and regions in Asia-Pacific.

The confreres were warmly welcomed by the province Superior Delegate, Fr Obmaces (Owie) Arturo SVD and the General Communications Coordinator, Fr Modeste Munimi SVD, said that as missionaries devoted to knowing and sharing the Divine Word, all SVDs are communicators.

“We SVDS are special for something always,” he said. “We have to ask ‘what’s my role, what’s expected from us and what can we do as an ASPAC Zone?’

“As SVDs we are all communicators, our identity is to awaken this consciousness in all SVDs.”

Fr Joseph said the gathering of 12 SVDs had two main components: a two-day reporting session and a two-day hands-on experience.

“The reporting session involved presentations and discussions from different SVD provinces and regions in two groups, covering topics such as current communication challenges, best practices, and future plans,” he said.

“The hands-on experience involved workshops on basic photography and working on media in the current scenarios, such as how to produce media content that is eye-catching and relevant.”

ASPAC Comms meeting 2023 EcoSpirituality Centre 550Fr Joseph said the gathering also resulted in the Communication Coordinators taking up two major projects for the next three years.

The first is a project to produce digital branding for the Society of the Divine Word. The project aims to create a unified and consistent online presence for the SVD across different platforms and channels, such as websites, social media, newsletters etc.

“The project will involve developing a common logo, colour scheme, style guide and content strategy for the SVD Logo,” Fr Joseph said.

The second project is to produce media content to create awareness on the environmental emergency. This project aims to use various media forms, such as videos, podcasts, blogs, etc, to raise awareness and educate people on the urgent need to care for the environment and address the climate crisis.

“The project will involve collaborating with Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation coordinators in the respective SVD provinces and regions,” he said.

Those attending the gathering also had a day out to visit the Minor Basilica of St Martin of Tours in the region of Taal and the Tomb of the Healing Priest, Fr Fernando Suarez in Batangas. The Philippines Central Province also showcased to the Communication Coordinators the facelift and redevelopment of the Province’s Eco Spirituality Centre.

“The delicious local cuisines and the company of the group kept us lively,” Fr Joseph said.

“The gathering was a successful and fruitful event that fostered learning, sharing ideas, plans to do networking, and collaboration among the ASPAC Communication Coordinators.

“When it was time to bid farewell, I told the group: ‘Goodbye Magnificent Manila and all you friends, what a gathering we had. We have made new friends and learnt new things and seen new places, equipped ourselves with new modes and types of communication. Our gathering will remain as a memorable event. May the Divine Word be proclaimed profusely through the ministry of communications.”


TOP RIGHT: Communications Coordinators from SVD provinces in the ASPAC Zone gathered in the Philippines for a meeting last month.

BOTTOM LEFT: Fr Joseph Reddy SVD, Communications Coordinator for the Australia Province, is pictured with others during their visit to the revamped Eco-Spirituality Centre of the SVD Philippines Central Province.