Friday, 20 December 2013 08:54

Marsfield Carols a multicultural Christmas spectacular


Carols---Raass---350The St Arnold Janssen Chapel at Marsfield was full to overflowing when friends from many different language and cultural groups came together to celebrate a very multicultural Carols by Candlelight.

The packed program featured about 20 groups singing Christmas carols in a variety of languages, as well as English. Many of the groups were in traditional cultural dress, adding to the beauty of the occasion.

Among the cultural groups represented were those from Indonesia, China, Ghana, Slovakia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and others, including groups from local parishes, and the SVD and SSpS choir.

An important part of the evening was the opportunity for Advent reflection, led by MCs, Fr Asaeli Raass SVD and Frances Louise.

“Christmas. The very word brings joy to our hearts,” Fr Raass said.

“No matter how much we might dread the rush, the long list of Christmas gifts to be bought, money to be spent, when Christmas Day comes there is still the warm feeling we have as children, the same warmth that enfolds our hearts and our homes.”

Carols---Frances-and-friends---350Frances reminded the gathering of the central role the Christmas story plays in all of our lives.

“And at the heart of this mysterious and loving part of God’s plan, and the true meaning of Christmas, is the Word made flesh and dwelling amongst us,” she said.

“And so this evening’s program promises to catch something of that wonder and mystery as we gather from the many nations, languages and cultures, to sing to our heart’s content to the contemporary and traditional Christmas Carols.”

A highlight of the night for the children was the arrival of Santa, with small gifts of lollies.

But before handing the lollies out, Santa gathered the kids around and reminded them about the children in the Philippines who are doing it tough this Christmas in the wake of Taiphoon Haiyan and asked the children to remember them and pray for them. A raffle was held throughout the night to raise funds for the SVD AUS Province Philippines Disaster Appeal, with a very generous response.

Fr Raass told the gathering that Jesus Christ must be at the centre of our Christmas preparation.
“Indeed, Christmas is about fixing our contemplative gaze once more on the person of Jesus the Christ, the reason for the season,” he said. “He is still the incarnate Word of God. It’s a time to look at him in a new and fresh way.”

Carols---Ghana---350Advent is also a special time of reflection and preparation, Frances said.

“Advent is a time when we prepare for Christmas, when we recall in faith Christ’s coming among us. It also a time in which we look at our present lives and reflect on those moments when we fail to recognise the presence of Christ in our own lives yesterday and today.“

Fr Raass concluded by inviting people to ponder on the title Emmanuel, meaning God-with-Us.

“And the word ‘Us’ is not an exclusive title to refer only to some special group of people, but it’s inclusive of all people of the world, whatever language groups and cultures they come from,” he said.

“We are all included in the word ‘Us’, God-with-Us – all aspects of humanity and the natural world around us. And so, Christmas is for black and white, so stop the fight!”

The Carols concluded with a beautiful rendition of Silent Night, sung by candlelight in all the different languages of those gathered.

A magnificent multicultural supper, provided by those attending, followed, with fellowship and togetherness.

Watch a short video of the Carols below. With thanks to Fr Phil Gibbs SVD

