Monday, 24 November 2014 11:58

CRA launches logo for Year of Consecrated Life


24 November 2014


Year-of-Consecrated-Life-Logo-FINAL--350Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) proudly unveils a logo to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life, which begins on the 29th of November, the first weekend of Advent.

The logo reflects Pope Francis’ exhortation for religious women and men to awaken the world in a spirit of joy and hope when he announced the year 2015 to be dedicated to consecrated life. The celebration culminates on the World Day of Consecrated Life, the 2nd of February 2016.

“The logo depicts the CRA cross and shows the region of Australia, Oceania and Asia where many of Religious associated with CRA minister to the marginalised,” said CRA Director Sister Leone Wittmack rsc. “The green colour conveys hope to the world and other features of the logo demonstrate the vitality of mission and religious life in Australia today.”

The logo draws upon the light of God’s love that strengthens religious sisters, priests and brothers in their commitment to justice, with the image inviting the viewer to join them in changing the world.

“As we begin to celebrate this year dedicated to religious women and men throughout the world, may we embrace the call from Pope Francis to ‘Wake up the World’ by walking with people experiencing poverty and being advocates for those who have no voice,” said CRA President Sister Berneice Loch rsm .

The logo comes in square and rectangle layouts and a variety of digital formats for ease of use. In addition, CRA also introduces a new section in its website offering news updates, reflections and prayers for the Year of Consecrated Life from Australian religious and overseas sources.

Find out more at

Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) is the peak body for leaders of Religious Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life resident in Australia. Our membership comprises more than 180 congregations of Sisters, Brothers and Religious Priests living and working in all states and territories.

For enquiries or more information please contact:
Giselle Lapitan
CRA Communications Officer
Mobile 0434 409 333