Thursday, 26 February 2015 12:32

SVD Superior General visits Thai mission


Thailand---Father-General-visit1---350The Thai District of the SVD AUS Province welcomed the Superior General of the Society of the Divine Word, Fr Heinz Kuluke, on a short, but joyous visit recently.

Fr Heinz spent three days with the confreres in northern Thailand, seeing first hand their ministry with people affected by AIDS, as well as their outreach to the poor, parish ministry, youth work and other mission activity.
Br Damien Landers SVD says the Father General’s visit was a great occasion.

“While his visit was short, we were happy and blessed to welcome him and to have him experience life as it is here in Thailand,” he says.

Thailand-Father-General-visit3--350Fr Heinz arrived in Nong Bua Lamphu on the afternoon of December 18, and after having a short rest joined the SVDs, staff from the Mother of Perpetual Help Centre for people living with HIV, children from Mother Teresa’s children’s home and teenagers at Ban Mae Marie for a pre-Christmas celebration.

“Fr Heinz met parishioners and other guests as well,” says Br Damien. “It was a joyous occasion, enjoyed by everyone, with entertainment done by the teenagers.”

On the second day of his visit, Fr Heinz joined AUS Provincial Fr Henry Adler SVD and confreres for the Thai District Assembly.

“During the Assembly, Fr Provincial addressed the importance of reflecting on our work as missionaries, and reflecting on who we are as SVD, which will give us direction to move forward,” Br Damien says.

Thailand-Father-General-visit2---350Br Damien presented a brief description of how the Thai Mission began and how it has developed since the arrival of the SVD 15 years ago. He also outlined the Thai District action plan for carrying out the Characteristic Dimensions as priorities for the Thai mission, namely: social justice and eradication of HIV, migration, interreligious and ecumenical dialogue, primary and new evangelisation.

“Fr General then presented the SVD Thai mission with a global perspective as to what is going on in other parts of the world in which our confreres are working.”

After the Assembly, Fr Heinz accompanied three of the SVD priests working in parish ministries in other parts of the Diocese.

He received a hearty welcome at the church at Pan Sung, which is the largest Catholic parish in the Diocese, producing the most vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

“This visit, along with visits to the various ministries of Mother of Perpetual Help Centre and activities of the Centre, along with poor families the area gave him a good overview of works being carried out by the SVD priests and brothers,” says Br Damien.