Thursday, 26 February 2015 12:56

Province honours history with new Archive Room


Archives-blessing---350The Divine Word Missionaries AUS Province has moved to honour its history in a new way, with the establishment of a professional archive room.

The archives were organised by Br Peter Fogarty CFC and were blessed by Fr Ho Bach Tran SVD, who has taken up the position of Director of Archives for the Province.

Speaking at the blessing ceremony, Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD said the establishment of a professional archive system was something the Province had been working towards for many years.

“We have had some attempts in the past to start working on archives, because we are very committed to preserving our past and our history,” he said.

Fr Henry observed that in blessing the new archive room, it was really the people involved for whom God’s blessing was being invoked.

“We are asking God to bless the effort and the people who have contributed to making this a place which will preserve records, past events and documents,” he said.

Archives-blessing2---350Fr Henry thanked Br Peter for his hard work and professionalism in creating the archives.

“You have been such a blessing to us in these past months,” he said.

"You’ve shown us the example of commitment to a task, and your joy has been a blessing to us in the office.

“Thank you for the blessings you have brought with you and the professionalism and the joy you have shared with us.”

Fr Henry said the blessing of the archives was also an opportunity to thank God for Fr Ho who is taking up the task of Director of Archives in the Province.

Br Peter thanked all present for their warmth and assistance as he carried out his work in the SVD Provincial offices at Marsfield in Sydney.

“I have very much enjoyed my time here with the community and the staff,” he said.

Fr Ho said he was very grateful to Br Peter who had taught him much about the practicalities of working with archives. 

“He is a good teacher and a model for me,” Fr Ho said. “He works so hard, and he’s very tidy!”

The staff gathered for the blessing liturgy, which featured prayers of blessing, a reading from St Paul’s Letter to the Colossians, prayers of intercession and closing prayers, with Fr Ho sprinkling the room and all in it with Holy Water.

“May God, the Father of goodness, who commanded us to help one another as brothers and sisters, bless this room with his presence and look kindly on all who enter here.”

PHOTOS: Top right, Fr Ho thanks Br Peter Fogarty CFC for his role in setting up the archive room; and bottom left, Fr Ho blesses the archive room and all present.