Tuesday, 12 May 2015 17:33

Peace be with you! - A reflection


Fr-Bernd-Ruffing-SVD---150Peace be with you!

It was at 3am when I was called to the hospital. A young man who used to live in the Centre run by us SVDs in Thailand was hit by two fellows with a glass bottle in his face and a belt on his back. After the examination in the Emergency Room I was allowed to bring him ‘home’ to treat his wounds and give him some rest. Rest, which I’m still looking for after all that happened. We, of course, followed up that incident and went to the police.

The two hitters were found and sat in front of us within one hour. “Why?” I simply asked them. Silence. Again I asked, “Why did you hit him so badly? What was the reason?” They finally answered: “There was no reason!” There is no reason for hitting a stranger in such a way that he must be examined in the hospital? Honestly that gets my goat.

And then I saw the news of all the refugees left behind in the sea … hundreds died, and I once again thought about violence and found myself asking that very same question: Why? What was the reason? Silence!

Peace-be-with-you---350Blessed are those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God. (Mt 5). What if, let’s say, we’d only take this sentence seriously or at least try to take it seriously and give our best to spread peace instead of violence in thoughts and words and actions.

‘Peace be with you’ is an old way to say hello to one another. May I ask you to welcome the people around you with these words? If not spoken, maybe unspoken, for I am sure there is power for peace in them. Wishing each other internal and external peace and starting to be peacemakers on our own may shape the world around us. I personally think we have to refocus and place more stress on peace. That’s why I do not only start this reflection by wishing you peace, but I also want to close with the words of Saint Francis. Pace e bene! Peace and all good!

Your Brother Bernd

Last modified on Tuesday, 12 May 2015 17:45