Monday, 30 November 2015 11:10

Far-flung Qld SVDs gather for District Assembly

Qld-District-Assembly-group---350SVD missionaries ministering in places as far-flung as rural Central Queensland, suburban Brisbane and fast-growing Logan City, gathered together recently for a Queensland District Assembly.

The Assembly, which was held at the same time as the official Provincial Visitation, was a time for the confreres to get together for support, fellowship and ongoing formation.

“The Qld District is diverse,” says District Superior, Fr Joseph Vu. “We came together for the Assembly with the aim of listening to each other’s experience, to give support and to strengthen our SVD bonding, as well as for formation.”

Fr Joseph says it was wonderful to have Provincial Superior, Fr Henry Adler SVD present, as well as the Provincial Visitator, Fr Nick de Groot SVD. The Provincial Visitation takes place ahead of next year’s General Visitation (from Rome) to the AUS Province.

Qld-District-Assembly---Henry---350“We were happy that the Father Provincial was able to take the time to be with us,” Fr Joseph says. “It was a good sign of solidarity with his brothers.”

The Queensland confreres gathering for the Assembly included Fr Joseph, Fr Rodrigo De La Rosa, Fr Ronaldo Rodriguez, Fr Adrian Jenani, Fr Stephen Pilly, Fr Sunil Paul Nagothu, and Fr Frank Gerry.

“We discussed some of the issues that the Church and we SVDs are facing and dealing with in our ministries,” says Fr Joseph. “This included updating ourselves on professional standards issues and other matters which we found very helpful.

“One positive outcome of the gathering was just being with each other; taking the time off from ministry and giving support and nurturing our SVD spirituality.

“It was wonderful that the confreres were willingly to take time off from their ministry and travel for long distances to be at the Assembly.

Qld-District-Assembly---350“And lastly, the openness displayed by our confreres was very affirming. They were not afraid to share their thoughts and feelings in relation to personal growth and difficulties they might be facing in ministry.”

Fr Joseph says the Assembly reached a number of resolutions which will be carried out in the Qld District.

Fr Frank Gerry led the group in reflection on the Year of Mercy and the important meaning of mercy that Pope Francis is calling SVDs to live out as missionaries in the Church today.