Wednesday, 23 December 2015 12:02

SVD vocations on show at Australian Catholic Youth Festival


Adelaide-Youth-Festival---Elmer-with-bishops---350The Divine Word Missionaries were in the midst of it when more than 3000 young people from dioceses all over Australia celebrated the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Adelaide this month.

Fr Elmer Ibarra, the SVD Vocations Director, together with Hy Nguyen SVD, a young OTP student in the AUS Province, ‘hung out’ at the Divine Word Missionaries stall at the Festival’s Expo, and shared information and insights about SVD life with visitors to the stall.

“It was a really wonderful experience,” Fr Elmer says. “It’s the first time I’ve ever done this, as Vocations Director and it was a real learning experience for me, especially visiting the other stalls and observing how so many of the other religious congregations are doing things. It’s a great way of sharing ideas.”

The festival was hosted by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in partnership with the Archdiocese of Adelaide from Thursday December 3 until Saturday December 5 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Adelaide-Youth-Festival-crowd-worshipping---350Young people up to the age of 25 took part in five plenary sessions, workshops and activities celebrating the theme Blessed are the Pure of Heart.

Over 60 exhibitors from a wide range of Catholic organisations set up interactive stalls and demonstrations to allow young people to experience the breadth of the Church in its many expressions.

Bishops, priests and religious from around Australia attended the festival. International speakers included Jason Evert, founder of the Chastity Project, and singer-songwriter Steve Angrisano. Other speakers and musicians included Sr Hilda Scott OSB, Fr Rob Galea, Genevieve Bryant and Gary and Natasha Pinto.

Fr Elmer says that apart from being the face of the SVDs at the expo stall, he was also able to attend some of the plenary and workshop sessions.

“It was definitely a worthwhile experience,” he says. “I had some quiz questions organised about the SVD and as young people approached our stall and began talking to me, I would offer to ask them a question for a small prize. It was a good way of engaging with them.

“Some were interested in the quiz, but others were really interested in talking to us and asking questions about who we are and what we do, which was great.

“I also had some information about the Holy Spirit Sisters (the sister congregation of the SVDs), for any young women who were interested.”

Fr Elmer says it was encouraging when young people approached the SVD stall, already knowing about them from their various ministries around Australia.

“There were some Aboriginal young people from Darwin Diocese who knew us already from our ministries in Central Australia, so that was really nice.”

Fr Elmer says that while events such as the Australian Catholic Youth Festival rarely result in ‘on-the-spot’ vocation inquiries, it is important to plant seeds of recognition with young people.

“You don’t know how the Holy Spirit is going to work,” he says. “You just do your little bit and then see what happens.”


Top Right: SVD Vocations Director, Fr Elmer Ibarra SVD is pictured (centre) with Bishop Joseph Oudeman OFM Cap (left) and Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP (right) at the Divine Word Missionaries' stall in Adelaide.

Bottom Left: Young people gathered in praise and worship at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival.