Wednesday, 24 February 2016 12:49

New students arrive at Dorish Maru College for start of academic year

Edward-and-Clement-350---correctedThe academic year is getting underway at the SVD formation house, Dorish Maru College, in Melbourne, with five new young missionaries from Vietnam, Ghana and Mexico joining the multicultural student mix as they take up language and theological studies.

Dorish Maru College is home to students from various countries who have come to the AUS Province to complete their formation and education as Divine Word Missionaries.

Formation Director, Fr Boni Buahendri SVD says the new arrivals will be a great addition to the Dorish Maru community.

“The house is full for the time being, which is great,” Fr Boni says. “This year the community has become even more international, even more SVD, with students from the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America and Africa.”

The two new students from Vietnam, Tin Trinh and Duc Le, will take up English language studies at the English Language School for Pastoral Ministry at Yarra Theological Union (YTU) to prepare them for further studies and ministry.

Simon Prospero from Mexico returns to the AUS Province to further his formation, following his time here as part of the Overseas Training Program. He will also complete some further English language studies for one semester before taking up theological studies.

And Clement Baffoe and Edward Teye arrived from Ghana last week to begin studies at YTU and to further their formation.

Fr Boni says the AUS Province has identified formation as one of its key priorities and takes seriously its role in preparing young missionaries from around the world for the life as SVDs.

“It’s not easy for them to learn about the new culture, language, food and everything in Australia,” he says. “So we place a lot of emphasis on immersing them in the culture, while still retaining their own cultural identity. It brings them many new challenges, but also happy experiences.”

Fr Boni says the Dorish Maru College community is also looking forward to celebrating three ordinations in April this year.

Anthony Li, Laurensius Woda and Michael Wu will be ordained to the priesthood in Melbourne on April 23, before taking up their missionary appointments to Costarica, Indonesia and Chile, respectively.

“Other important events this year include the renewal of vows at the beginning of July and our big Mission Day on September 10,” says Fr Boni.

“This week we also have about 200 students from many different religious congregations gathering for a seminar and workshop on Professional Standards.

“We’re looking forward to it, because it is very important for them, especially in light of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, to learn what is required of them in this area here in Australia.”

Fr Boni says he always looks forward to the fresh energy and enthusiasm that comes with the beginning of a new year at Dorish Maru College.

“One of our priorities as a Province is formation, to send missionaries out to the world,” he says. “So we always look forward to new students coming and adding their gifts and personalities to our international community here.”

PHOTO: Edward and Clement arriving in Australia to complete their SVD formation.