Friday, 29 April 2016 09:16

AUS Mission Office extends helping hand to those hit by Ecuadorian earthquake


Ecuador-earthquake4---350The Mission Office of the SVD AUS Province has responded to a call for help from the Divine Word Missionaries in Ecuador to help fund emergency recovery work needed in the wake of a powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake in that country.

More than 650 people died in the earthquake, with about 16,000 injured and more than 30,000 people left homeless.

SVD AUS Province Mission Secretary, Fr Truc Quoc Phan, says the Divine Word Missionaries in Ecuador are working hard to assist people affected by the quake.

“The request for emergency relief funding came to us from the SVD General Council and we were happy that we could assist,” Fr Truc says. “We will continue to keep the people of Ecuador in our prayers as they begin the recovery effort.”

Ecuador-earthquake3---350The earthquake struck at 6.58pm on April 16, bringing down buildings and devastating the people of Manabi and Esmeraldas provinces.

Fr Navil D’Silva SVD, Superior Provincial of the SVD ECU Province, says the SVD has been in the province of Esmeraldas since 2004, working in the city of Muisne and in 70 villages surrounding Muisne, an area considered to be one of the poorest in Ecuador.

“We currently have two confreres working in Muisne and the surrounding communities,” he says. “In the aftermath of the earthquake in Muisne, around 100 houses have collapsed and another 100 condemned due to structural failure.

“At the present time, 1500 people are living in our chapels and in other temporary shelters such as schools and tents. Our parish church and house are also partially damaged.”

Fr Navil says that amongst all the devastation he has been struck by the goodness of people in responding to the crisis.

“I can see great miracles of generosity, brotherhood and fraternity from many who are helping and standing by the people who have lost everything,” he says. “Help is pouring in from all corners of Ecuador and from many other countries.”

Ecuador-earthquake5---350Fr Navil says the local bishop and the SVD confreres are now worried about the future of the people who are being forced to relocate.

“We are waiting for an official response from the government on what they plan to do to help the people,” he said.

“We plan to help the people most affected by the earthquake to buy construction materials to rebuild their houses.”

In a letter to AUS Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD, Fr Navil expressed gratitude for the emergency assistance.

“On behalf of the Ecuadorian province, I would like to thank you and the Mission Office in Australia for helping our people in this moment of sadness and suffering,” he wrote.

“My special thanks to all your mission donors for their generosity and solidarity with our people. We appreciate your kind gesture towards the reconstruction of the affected families.”