The story:
The story of the Widow of Nain in Luke’s Gospel is extraordinarily short. It gives the bare facts without emotion and leaves the reader to do the wondering.
We note Jesus is moved with pity for the grieving widow. That is the source of the action.
The widow is weeping and Jesus simply tells her “Do not weep.” We do not know the widow’s reaction. Jesus touches the coffin and says, “Young man, I tell you, arise!”
The dead man sits up and begins to speak, although we have no idea what he says. Why was that mentioned?
Jesus says nothing. He simply gives him to his mother. Her response is not in the story. Why?
It is the crowd then that gets into the story. They are seized with fear.
Why ‘fear’?
Then they break out in praise that “God has visited his people” and “A great prophet has arisen in our midst”.
That’s the story!
The journey of Jesus then continues.
So reader what do you make of all of this? Where do you fit into the story?