Thursday, 28 July 2016 18:13

Fr Henry Adler SVD re-elected Provincial of AUS Province


Chapter-2015---Henry-speaking---350Fr Henry Adler SVD has been re-elected as ProvinciaI-Superior of the Divine Word Missionaries AUS Province for a second three-year term.

Fr Henry was re-elected Provincial by his confreres for a second three-year term and the election was approved recently by the SVD Generalate in Rome.

“I see the re-election AUS as vote of confidence to the whole AUS Provincial Council and local leaders across the province,” says Fr Henry, who is currently on home leave in Poland and Germany.

“Indeed, we have been blessed with a very dedicated Provincial Council and community leaders. As we are now in the process or electing a new provincial council for the 2017-2019 triennium, I pray that we will be blessed with a leadership team and community leaders equally dedicated to our SVD Mission in Australia, Thailand & New Zealand.

“In the new triennium we will continue to be dedicated to the implementation of the priorities outlined at our recent general and provincial chapters.”

Leadership-Workshop---Henry-and-Joseph-Vu---350The 2015 Provincial Chapter affirmed and confirmed the Province’s commitment to its current mission priorities, as well as a desire to strengthen and further enrich SVD community life.

The Chapter also highlighted a growing commitment towards living interculturally, both within the Society and in its outward mission. It confirmed the Province’s commitment to the Biblical Apostolate, Mission Animation, and Justice and Peace initiatives. It reaffirmed that priority be given to indigenous Australians, the mission in Thailand, the urban poor and multicultural communities in Australia and New Zealand and faith seekers and people of other faiths and cultures.

“It will also continue to be our priority to provide adequate formation to all confreres in the areas of professional standards, leadership and our intercultural living and mission,” says Fr Henry.