Friday, 28 April 2017 12:56

Religious in the Red Centre gather for Easter Picnic


Picnic for Religious 2017 group 350The vibrant reality of the Religious presence in Australia’s Red Centre was on full display again recently when 27 people from 11 different religious congregations and 11 different countries, gathered for the Easter Monday Picnic.

The Picnic for Religious is held in Alice Springs twice a year, at Easter and Christmas, and is a chance for the Religious to come together in an atmosphere of relaxation and fun, to share their experiences of life and ministry in Central Australia.

SVD confreres, who are working in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish, Alice Springs and in Santa Teresa, turned out with enthusiasm for the picnic day, which was held at the historic Telegraph Station.

Picnic for Religious Alice Springs 2017 350“It’s always great to see so many people there, from different congregations and different countries,” says Fr Prakash Menezes SVD, assistant priest at OLSH Parish. “It really shows the diversity of Religious life out here in the Centre.”

The day features a barbecue lunch, with each congregation providing different foods, as well as plenty of fun, with games, such as an egg-throwing competition.

“Mainly, it’s a time to relax and catch up and share each other’s stories,” Fr Prakash says.

“We catch up on each other’s ministry and talk about what we are doing and how we are doing it. There is great collaboration out here and it is always good to get together in a relaxing way.”