Friday, 03 November 2017 12:19

31st Week in Ordinary Time - 2017


Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Matthew 23:1-12

Fr Elmer Ibarra 150 BestThere is a saying that, “one ceases to be humble if one is boasting of one’s humility.”

The gospel for today tells us of the dangers of being trapped with titles instead of doing service.

During the time of Christ, Pharisees and scribes wielded a lot of power not only spiritually but also temporally. They lived in a time where there were a lot of illiterate people and therefore they were dependent on the wisdom of these religious leaders for how to conduct their own lives. Jesus, being a man of his own time knew this situation and he acknowledged the importance of people who sat at the “chair of Moses”. That’s why Jesus tells his listeners to “observe everything that they tell you”. Unfortunately though in the same breath he says, “but do not follow their example”.

Sadly, we live in a world where our leaders do exactly the opposite of what they preach. We live in a world where leaders are more interested in the privileges that they will get and forget the very reason why they’re there in the first place. I don’t think I need to cite examples in this homily. One must simply read the newspapers and one will not find it hard to see all these things.

For people who are in a leadership position, the gospel poses a serious challenge to all of us. On the religious front, there are people who are called “Father”, “Bishop”, “Monsignor”, “Reverend”, etc. and these people are addressed “Your Grace”, “Your Excellency”, “Your Eminence”, “Your Holiness”. Yet with these titles one must be reminded not of one’s authority, but of one’s responsibility of serving the people with whom we are entrusted. The point of Jesus is not about dismissing the use of titles, for Jesus also used the word “Father” to people aside from the Heavenly Father. It is all about reminding ourselves of why we were given such a responsibility in the first place.

Since the election of Pope Francis, he has taught us through his example what it means to be humble. Since his election, we’ve seen pictures of him paying his hotel bill for the room where he stayed during the conclave. There was another picture of him riding a bus together with the other cardinals instead of using his own car. His own car too is just a small one instead of using a stretch limousine. He also ditched the red loafers and preferred to wear a pair of black shoes as an alternative. His pectoral cross is made of silver instead of the traditional gold, the pectoral cross that he used when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires. We can cite endless examples of how, through his example, he is teaching us about humility.

Humility is really a very tricky virtue because as soon as we begin boasting about it then it ceases to be a virtue. Humility is all about placing one’s attention not about one’s self but always on the other. It is all about putting others’ needs first instead of your own.

As we continue to reflect on the gospel today, let us try to look at ourselves and see whether we are practicing what we preach. It is difficult because we are prone to mistakes, yet admitting to our mistakes and being sorry about them is also a sign of humility. This humility and honesty would make us more endearing to others than putting on a mask and pretending that we are perfect, for perfection is only reserved to God who alone is perfect, yet he always encourages us to try to be perfect.

Hopefully, this gospel will inspire us to live a life of humility and authenticity not because we dream to be exalted at the end of our lives but because it is the right thing to do to serve as an example for others and to be of genuine service to those who need our help.


Last modified on Friday, 03 November 2017 12:53