Wednesday, 17 April 2013 09:26

New support network for returning missionaries


Missionaries or volunteers who may experience a kind of ‘reverse culture shock’ when they return home from an extended period in a foreign country will have extra support, with the establishment of a new network called Trans-Mission.

Sr Geraldine Kearney SGS, who is a consultant in areas of cross-cultural communication, counselling, education and facilitation will facilitate the network with Mission Secretary of the Divine Word Missionaries in Australia, Fr Henry Adler SVD.

Fr Henry says the purpose of Trans-Mission is provide space to continue to unpack, and put into perspective the many struggles and joys that lay or religious missionaries may experience while abroad in a different culture.

“Returning from an extended period in a foreign country can be, if not difficult, then definitely a challenging experience,” Fr Henry says. “Some even call it a reverse culture shock. Indeed for many of us missionaries or volunteers, who have lived and worked in a different culture, returning home can be more difficult than the initial departure.”

Fr Henry says the process of re-acclimatising to your native culture and reclaiming your own culture is often not an easy transition and some may find themselves grieving for the life abroad.

“It is often difficult to fully realise the impact of your experience until you return home, and we can be surprised at how integrated into our new culture we became,” he says.

“Upon returning home, it is normal to become frustrated or annoyed by some aspects of your home community. For instance most missionaries or volunteers who have been working abroad experience people, friends, even relatives who fail to notice you’ve even been gone at all, or don’t seem to care that much what you did.

“When you understand that these are common experiences, it helps those problems become a lot less personal.”


Fr Henry, pictured above on Mission in Papua New Guinea, says Trans-Mission will give returned missionaries an opportunity to reflect on the present experience of being back and to understand that something has forever changed their view of the world and that they are a different person now.

“It is vital that you seize opportunities to talk about your present experiences, laugh about them and know that you are not alone,” he says.

Unlike some intensive, one-off re-entry programs designed to address the needs of recently returned missionaries, Trans-Mission intends to provide a framework for networking with people who share similar and familiar experiences and who have a heart for mission.

“The power and enrichment that is possible through networking and group support is invaluable for ongoing life and mission,” Fr Henry says.

The first gathering will be on May 26, from 3pm to 5pm at the Divine Word Missionaries, 199 Epping Rd, Marsfield. For more information contact Fr Henry Adler at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Sr Geraldine Kearney at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..