Sunday, 28 January 2018 17:28

Invite God into your day and be prepared for surprises - reflection


Fr Joseph Reddy Dondeti SVD 150By Fr Joseph Reddy SVD

As the New Year rolls on, we plan resolutions to make some changes in life over the coming year. Often times, we fail to persist with the promises we made and find that the resolutions just made have been broken. It’s hard to consistently persist with our resolutions, but it’s not impossible. Amidst all the hustle and bustle of life what we often forget to include in our life is ‘the God particle’ which can enthuse us when we fail and raise us when we fall. 

When God intervenes in our life, something surprising happens and we are dumbfounded. Many of the Biblical stalwarts were the same - they sought the hand of God in their life and God surprised them. The following Biblical figures give us ample insight into what happens when ‘God is in our day’ and gives us pleasant surprises in life.

With God in his day: Moses stretched out his hand over the Red sea and the sea turned into to dry land and the waters were divided, and the Israelites saw great work of God. (Exo 14:15-31)

God 450With God in his day: Joseph woke up as a prisoner became the Prime Minister.
(Gen 41:15-45)

With God in his day: Naaman who was had leprosy, found he had been healed and transformed. (2kings 5:9-14)

With God in his day: David, who was tending his father's sheep, was anointed as a KING. (1Sam 16:13)

With God in his day: Daniel, who was thrown in the lion's den and by the morning he was brought out and promoted to the post of Authority. (Dan 6:16-28)

With God in his day: Elisha raises up the dead Shunammite woman’s Son who is in bitter distress (2kings 4:8-37)

With God in her day: The woman who suffered hemorrhages for 12 years woke up with her illness but by the end of the day, she was totally healed of it. (Luke 8:43-50)

With God in his day: Bartimaeus woke up as usual a blind man but at the end of the day he was able to regain his sight. (Mk 10:46-52)

With God in their day: Paul and Silas, who after severe flogging were thrown into prison and by the morning the officials apologised and set them free.( Acts 16: 16-40)

With God in his day: Peter heals a crippled Beggar at the beautiful gate of the temple.
(Acts 3:1-10)

With God in my Days: I've been able to withstand the troublesome situations which often turned out to be deadliest and learnt that with God on my days all these are pleasant surprises and blessings in disguise. As we are soon to enter into Lenten season It’s good to have and desire God to be on our days that we may, in the events of life, have surprises and outstanding testimonies to share and be touched by God’s hand.