Thursday, 27 September 2018 12:46

Celebrations for SVD Foundation Day


St Arnold Janssen for webDivine Word Missionary communities around the AUS Province celebrated SVD Foundation Day on the Feast of the Nativity of Mary this month, marking 143 years since St Arnold Janssen opened the first SVD Mission House in Steyl, Holland. 

He could no doubt never have envisaged on that day that by 2018 the SVD would have more than 6000 members worldwide, serving in 80 countries, including a Province stretching from Australia to New Zealand, Thailand and Myanmar.

“Whether anything will come of it is known only to God,” Fr Arnold said in his sermon on September 8, 1875.

“But we express our thanks to the Giver of all good things for having helped with this beginning. We hope that the house will attain its purpose.

“The simplicity of this beginning should not discourage us. The mightiest tree starts as a single seed and the strongest of giants was once a weak, whimpering baby.

“We know that with our present resources we cannot accomplish our task, but we hope the good God will provide everything we need. And he may do with us what he wills.”

SVD AUS Provincial, Fr Henry Adler, says that as the various communities gathered to honour the Blessed Virgin Mary and to remember the beginnings of the Society of the Divine Word, it was a time to look to the past with gratitude.

Religious in Santa Teresa SVD Foundation Day 450“Grateful for the gift of our Founder, St Arnold Janssen and his trust in God’s providence and his commitment to Mission, we continue to recommit ourselves to live our commitment with passion, ‘impelled by the Love of Christ, rooted in the Word and committed to our Mission’, embracing the future with hope,” he said in a message to confreres.

Fr Henry presided at the Mass celebrated at the SVD Marsfield Community in Sydney, and in his homily reflected on Mary and the Marian devotion of Fr Arnold.

He said that the Blessed Virgin Mary accompanied Fr Arnold Janssen through his entire life, and to her loving care and protection he entrusted the foundation of the Society, selecting the Feast of the Nativity of Mary as the official opening day of the Mission House in Steyl.

St Arnold also founded the two Sisters’ congregations, The Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS) and the Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters on the Marian Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8, in 1889 and 1896).

After the Mass at Marsfield, the community gathered for a celebratory dinner together.Other communities around the Province celebrated similarly, with Mass and a social gathering. 

In Santa Teresa in Central Australia, the SVD confreres invited other religious serving in the small indigenous community to share a meal together.

PHOTO: The Religious serving in Santa Teresa, Central Australia, gathered for a meal to celebrate SVD Foundation Day. Pictured are: (LtoR) Br Frank Hughes FMS, Mr Bill Ryan, Br Paul Murphy FMS, Br Redmond Casey FMS, Maciek Zielinski, Fr Prakash Menezes SVD, Sr Elizabeth Wiemers SGS. Photo by Br Mark Fordyce FMS.