Tuesday, 16 October 2018 16:28

'Life is Mission' - Celebrating World Mission Sunday


WorldMissionLogoThe SVD AUS Province is gearing up to celebrate World Mission Sunday this weekend, on October 21, and invites everyone to join in the celebrations.The SVD AUS Province is gearing up to celebrate World Mission Sunday this weekend, on October 21, and invites everyone to join in the celebrations.

Mission Secretary, Fr Truc Quoc Phan SVD, has prepared a special liturgy outline for parishes or church groups to use to mark this special day on the Church’s international calendar and it is downloadable from the Province’s website.

“As it is the charism of our Society to spread the Word of God by our lives and by the mission to which we are called as Christians, let us join together to make this day a special one in every way possible,” Fr Truc says.

“Let us take this opportunity to spread our faith and the Good News not only by our words but by our actions as actions speak louder than words.

“In his message for World Mission Day 2018, Pope Francis says ‘Life is a mission’, so whether we are religious men and women, married or single we are all called to spread God’s love, His message of hope, peace and joy and by the way we live our lives.”

The Pope’s Message is entitled “Together with young people, let us bring the Gospel to all”.

Fr Truc urged SVD parishes and the broader Church community to “gather your parishioners and faith communities and make this day a special occasion to celebrate our calling in the form of fun yet meaningful activities”, with a special focus on young people. 

“We have received God’s love and blessings at no charge, let us then freely share it with others, who either don’t know God or refuse to acknowledge his existence.”

Downloadable Resources:

pdf Liturgy Mission Sunday 2018

pdf Message from Pope Francis for World Mission Sunday 2018