Friday, 26 October 2018 10:57

Life is mission. And mission is love

Fr Henry Adler SVD close hs 150The month of October is always a big one for the SVD community as we take part in the worldwide celebration of World Mission Sunday and all the surrounding events.

This year, Pope Francis addressed his message for World Mission Day to young people, saying he would like to reflect with them “on the mission that we have received from Christ”.

“In speaking to you, I also address all Christians who live out in the Church the adventure of their life as children of God,” he wrote.

“What leads me to speak to everyone through this conversation with you is the certainty that the Christian faith remains ever young when it is open to the mission that Christ entrusts to us.”

He then went on to make the simple but wonderful pronouncement that “Life is a mission.”

“Every man and woman is a mission; that is the reason for our life on this earth.”

What a wonderful thing to reflect on. We’re not just engaged in mission, but it’s something much more personal than that. Each of us is a mission.

The implication of that is significant. It means that by my life, by the way I live, the person I am, I bring the love of Christ to others. That’s mission.

No matter my age, my job, where I live – my life is to be a living expression of Christ’s love. Mission is no longer something that others do, but something that I am.

If I accept that “Life is Mission”, I must examine how I’m living my life. How am I being mission? Who am I reaching out to in my life with the love of Christ? Who is in need? How could I help?

Need is all around us. People have different needs. Perhaps they are lonely and need some company. Perhaps they are hungry and need food, or maybe they are a migrant or refugee who needs welcoming. 

We, who are members of the Society of the Divine Word have given our life to Christ’s mission in a particular way. We would love for others to come and join us in that. But a missionary life is available to everyone, whatever their life situation. All we have to do is love.

“This transmission of the faith, the heart of the Church’s mission, comes about by the infectiousness of love, where joy and enthusiasm become the expression of a newfound meaning and fulfilment in life,” writes Pope Francis.

Love is infectious. Let’s share it. Life is a mission. And mission is love.

The full text of Pope Francis’ Message for World Mission Sunday is featured in the reflection section of this edition of In the Word.