Tuesday, 29 January 2019 17:51

Province commits to Redress Scheme & continued focus on safeguarding


Fr Michael Hardie SVD 350 croppedThe SVD AUS Province has begun the work involved in joining the National Redress Scheme to support survivors of abuse by Church personnel, as part of its ongoing commitment to professional standards and safeguarding.

Fr Michael Hardie SVD, the Professional Standards Coordinator for the Province, has moved from Melbourne to the Provincial administrative centre in Marsfield, Sydney to take carriage of the work.

“The Divine Word Missionaries do intend to join the Redress Scheme and we have been deliberating how to join,” Fr Michael says.

“This week I sent the email to sign-up and we are now awaiting the Department of Social Services response with the appropriate documentation so we can move forward.”

The National Redress Scheme was recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and provides support to people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse.

Many institutions have already agreed to join the Scheme. Institutions have until 30 June 2020 to join the Scheme so that they can provide redress to people who experienced child sexual abuse in relation to their institution.

When an institution has completed all the necessary steps to join the scheme, they are declared to be participating by the Minister, and then the list of participating institutions is updated on the National Redress Scheme website.
Fr Michael says the SVD opted to join the Redress Scheme as a lone organisation, rather than with a group.

“We think the best path for us is to sign up alone, although we have consulted with Catholic Religious Australia during the process,” he says.

Fr Michael says his move to Sydney will enable a closer collaboration with the Province’s administration team.

His work also includes Professional Standards training for SVD confreres and formation in this important area for the young missionary students at Dorish Maru College in Melbourne.

“And then there is the ongoing work of continually updating our policies and procedures to ensure best practice in professional standards and safeguarding for our Province,” he says.

“This is all work that the Royal Commission identified as important for us to be doing, and it is part of our ongoing response to the Royal Commission.”

Fr Michael was appointed as Professional Standards Coordinator last year by Provincial, Fr Henry Adler. It is part of his role as the Coordinator of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC) for the Province.

“We have taken this step to bring it under the JPIC umbrella because we believe that to safeguard those who are vulnerable is a matter of restoring justice to those who have been wronged, and of promoting the continuing safeguarding for the people whom we meet in the course of our daily work and ministries,” Fr Michael says.

“So, apart from my work with professional standards, I will also continue to focus on issues such as migrants and refugees, trafficking, family violence, and of course there is a big focus on the environment.”

After a number of years being based in Melbourne, Fr Michael says the return to Sydney takes him back to where it all began.

“Sydney was my first home when I joined the SVD in 1989, it was my first community, so my return to the Marsfield community feels as though I’ve come full circle,” he says.

PHOTO: Fr Michael Hardie SVD, the Professional Standards Coordinator and JPIC Coordinator for the SVD AUS Province.