Friday, 26 April 2019 15:46

SVD opens special appeal for victims of African storms & floods


Mozambique flood appeal family 450The Divine Word Missionaries have launched a special appeal to help the victims of Hurricane Idai and Cyclone Kenneth, which hit Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi recently, to get back onto their feet and rebuild their lives.

The SVD AUS Province is taking part in the appeal and welcomes any donations which could assist in the recovery effort.

The BBC reports that Cyclone Kenneth is reported to have ‘entirely wiped out’ some villages in Mozambique, after making landfall last Thursday, April 25, according to a UN official. It comes just a month after Cyclone Idai killed 900 people across Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi.

Mission Secretary Fr Truc Quoc Phan SVD says that with the support of the SVD Generalate in Rome and the Diocese of Beira in the worst-hit area, SVD confreres were able to distribute food items for about 500 people soon after the first disaster hit.

“The confreres are in the process of planning for further help, such as food and clothing distribution, helping people to rebuild their houses, and repair church facilities,” he says.

The Regional Superior of the Mozambique Region, Fr Johnson Furtado SVD, visited Beira soon after the hurricane hit, where three SVD confreres minister in a small new parish.

According to Fr Johnson, all five small chapels under the parish are damaged. Most of the people in Beira either lost their houses completely or their roofs were blown away. He said the people were struggling to find food, clothes and medicines.

Fr Truc says he has received reports that the parish community of St Francis Xavier, Ndunda, formed a volunteer team called ‘Activist of Charity’, with 12 volunteers from six different communities.

Mozambique flood appeal water 450“The team reviewed and assessed the needs in the communities to identify destitute people such as widows, the abandoned, sick, and elders who have no-one to help them,” he says.

“The team prepared the relief bags for distribution. Thanks to the Beira diocese and some religious congregations who donated relief materials to the team, each packet included rice, oil, sugar, soap and dried beans.

“On April 2, the bags were distributed to 90 families in different communities. On April 3, another 90 families got the same relief bags.”

Fr Truc says the people on the ground say more help is needed but materials are limited in the local market in Beira.

“The team will continue to reach out to people in the coming weeks.”

Mozambique flood appeal relief 450SVD Superior-General Fr Paul Budi Kleden, says the SVD relief appeal fund will be used for the victims of Hurricane Idai: for the distribution of food, clothing and other immediate needs, for the reconstruction of houses, and the repair of church facilities. It will continue to operate and help people with their rebuilding needs for a period of up to two years as needed.

From today and over the coming weeks, all funds donated to the SVD AUS Province’s Overseas Aid Fund will go directly to the people of Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi to help them with their immediate desperate needs for food, water and shelter, but also for their needs as they seek to rebuild their lives.

You can donate securely online by clicking here or send a cheque to Divine Word Missionary Appeal Office, Locked Bag 3, Epping NSW, 1710, Australia.

PHOTOS: SVD Generalate