Thursday, 27 June 2013 12:09

SVDs to bid fond farewell to St Cecilia’s Parish, Hamilton


The Divine Word Missionaries will say a fond farewell to St Cecilia’s Parish, Hamilton in Brisbane in early August, after almost 20 years of pastoring to a community that is renowned for its warmth and for the long-term commitment of its members to parish life.

That commitment can be seen in 99-year-old Gwendoline Gleeson (pictured here with Fr Adrian) who operates Hamilton-Parish1-350the overhead projector at weekend masses, along with her sister Viv, aged 90, who is the organist, as well as many other parishioners who have been involved with various ministries for decades.

Parish Administrator, Fr Gerard Mulholland SVD, says the St Cecilia’s community is small and mostly elderly, but the people are full of energy, good humour and hospitality.

“We will be sad to leave, because we’ve gotten to know the people at St Cecilia’s so well,” Fr Gerard says.

“All SVDs who have had the privilege to work in the parish are grateful for the support they have received from the dedicated parishioners, many of whom have been faithful to the parish for up to 80 years.”

The Divine Word Missionaries moved into Hamilton in 1989 when they bought the Sisters of Mercy convent, after selling the SVD seminary at Marburg in 1986. In 1994, Fr Liam Horsfall SVD was appointed Parish Priest of St Cecilia’s and a number of SVD confreres have been appointed there over the years. Currently, along with Fr Gerard as Administrator, the pastoral team includes Fr Adrian Jenani SVD, Fr Don Grant SVD and Fr Frank Gerry SVD.

The parish has had a long association with the Papua New Guinean community of Brisbane, with the house at Hamilton used over the years as a house for young men from PNG as they studied in Brisbane. These days, there is a Mass at St Cecilia’s for the PNG community every two months, presided at by Fr Don Grant and conducted in tok pisin, the language of PNG.

Hamilton-Parish3-350The decision for the SVD to relinquish responsibility for St Cecilia’s came at the request of Archbishop Mark Coleridge, following a period of consultation. Bishop Brian Finnigan (pictured with Fr Don and Fr Adrian) came to announce the decision to the congregation. The SVD will continue its relatively new ministry in the thriving parish of Inala in Brisbane, and, at the request of Archbishop Coleridge, will also take up a new appointment, with responsibility for the parish of St Maximilian Kolbe, Kingston-Marsden in the growing Logan City area of Brisbane.

Fr Sunil Paul Nagothu SVD will be Parish Priest at St Maximilian Kolbe Parish and Fr Adrian Jenani SVD will be Assistant Priest.

Fr Sunil says he is looking forward to getting to know the people of the parish and walking together with them on their Christian journey.

“By accepting this appointment I am also fully aware of the huge challenges I am going to encounter, beginning a new mission entrusted by the Society,” he says. “I am looking forward to meeting new people and discovering God's love and mission among the people of Kingston-Marsden parish. As our founder St Arnold Janssen said, ‘His mission is our Mission’.”