Debra Vermeer
First vows as Divine Word Missionaries for Chalerm and Cuong
Two Novices for the SVD AUS Province, Cuong Quoc Peter Dang and Chalerm Naruemankanthon, have professed their first vows as Divine Word Missionaries in a ceremony in the Philippines.
The two young men, from the Thai District of the AUS Province, have been undertaking their Novitiate in the Philippines for the past year and will now continue their formation and studies in Australia.
Fr Albano bringing mission studies knowledge back to AUS
After three years in Italy and the United Kingdom undertaking higher studies in missiology, Fr Albano Da Costa SVD is headed back to the AUS Province, to place his new knowledge and experience at the service of Christ’s mission in this part of the world.
Originally from Goa in India, Fr Albano, took his final vows and was ordained in 2011. He was assigned to the AUS Province, and took up his first mission appointment in the Archdiocese of Wellington, New Zealand, where he was part of a new form of collaborative ministry for three-and-a-half-years.
General Chapter calls for renewal, commitment to Word of God and the poor
The Society of the Divine Word has elected a new Superior-General, Fr Budi Kleden SVD, during a General Chapter which affirmed a commitment to the Word of God, renewal, and lay partnerships.
Speaking after his election, Fr Budi, from Indonesia, identified two key priorities as the Bible and the poor.
Santa Teresa parishioners recognised for service to the community
The Santa Teresa Parish in Central Australia has been celebrating this month, with hard-working, but humble, parishioner Miriam Dieudonne being awarded a Service to Community Award from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC).
Miriam was the winner of the Non-Indigenous category in the awards which recognise and celebrate the efforts of those involved in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ministry. Fellow long-time parishioner Bill Ryan was also awarded a certificate of recognition in the same category.
Mission calls us to be with the people
“Our time is short, so we must spend it with the people, not structures."
This was one of the key insights from the outgoing Superior General of the SVD, Fr Heinz Kuluke, at the recent General Chapter in Rome, and I think he’s hit the nail on the head.
It is God's mission we are called to - a reflection
"As shared variously in the past years, right after the first visits, a thought came to mind that stayed until the end of my term and was confirmed along the way again and again: The world without religious congregations such as the Society of the Divine Word would be a much poorer place," reflected Fr Heinz Kuluke, the Superior General of the SVD at the opening Mass of the General Chapter, now underway in Rome.
"Today we come together to open our 18th General Chapter representing some 6,000 members of the Society of the Divine Word and many lay mission partners from around the world. We want to thank the Triune God for all that we can contribute to enrich this world in His name. At the same time, we continue to ask ourselves anew where we can be better rooted in his Word and committed to his mission, allowing the Love of Christ to impel us."
Celebrations and thanksgiving to mark 60 years of priesthood
It’s been a season of celebration for the Divine Word Missionaries AUS Province recently, with a number of jubilees, including the significant milestone of 60 years a priest for Fathers Frank Gerry and Ennio Mantovani.
Fr Frank and Fr Ennio marked their Diamond Jubilees with special Masses and social celebrations, giving thanks to God for their priestly vocation.
Inala parishioners take Holy Land pilgrimage in the footsteps of Jesus
A group of 35 parishioners from St Mark’s Parish at Inala in Brisbane saw their faith come alive as they walked in the footsteps of Jesus during a pilgrimage to the Holy Land last month.
The group, led by Fr Stephen Pilly SVD, came from a range of different cultural backgrounds, including Vietnamese, Samoan, Filipino, African and Australian.
Race day faith outreach a winner in country Queensland
It’s not every day that you can go to the horse races and receive the sacraments while you’re there, but for the people of Queensland’s central highlands, that’s a once-a-year possibility at the Twin Hills races.
Fr Ronaldo Rodriguez SVD says it is all part of his faith outreach to people who live in remote areas and don’t always manage to make it to a church.
"Catholics in Myanmar are hungry for the Word of God" - Cardinal Bo
Cardinal Charles Bo SDB, the Archbishop of Yangon in Myanmar, paid a special visit to the Divine Word Missionaries Marsfield community in Sydney recently to meet the confreres and thank the Province for establishing a new mission in his Archdiocese.
Cardinal Bo’s visit came during his tour of Australia, as a guest of Catholic Mission.
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