Debra Vermeer
AUS Province missionaries brush up on latest Biblical scholarship
The Bible is not a static collection of ancient works but the living Word of God which continues to speak to us today, so for Fr Elmer Ibarra SVD, a recent Biblical study course in the Philippines provided new insights which he is eager to share upon his return to Australia.
Fr Elmer is the Biblical Coordinator for the SVD AUS Province, and he took part in the course with two other new members of the Province, Fr Mariusz Kubista SVD, a Polish priest who has been in Kenya for some years and Fr Tuyen Nguyen SVD, from Vietnam, who has been in Argentina for 10 years. Both Fr Mariusz and Fr Tuyen were taking part in the Biblical study course in the Philippines to prepare them for their upcoming assignment teaching the Bible in Myanmar, the AUS Province’s newest mission.
From the desert to the city, task is the same: just love the people
Fr Bosco Son SVD’s new assignment at the bustling Macquarie Fields Parish couldn’t be further away from his previous ministry in the small indigenous community of Santa Teresa in Central Australia, but he says his aim remains the same – simply to the love the people.
“Before taking up my position at Santa Teresa, the former Provincial, Fr Tim Norton SVD, asked me to try to do two things: one was to try to love the people and the other was not to create a problem,” he says.
Deep listening and personal contact the key to Interfaith Relations
The people of Alice Springs were treated to a thought-provoking discussion recently when Fr Nick de Groot SVD delivered a presentation which posed the question, ‘Different Religions: friend or enemy?’
Fr Nick is the Director of the Janssen Centre for Spirituality in Boronia, Victoria, a retreat and hospitality centre with a special focus on being a place of welcome for interfaith and intercultural relations.
Reaching across cultures in love
I have just returned from a trip to South-East Asia, taking in the Philippines, Thailand and Myanmar, the latter two countries of which are part of the SVD AUS Province.
Whenever I go to Thailand and visit our ministries there, I am struck by the reality of our commitment as Divine Word Missionaries to breaking down cultural and religious barriers.
Two friends of the AUS Province take final vows in Japan
It was a joyous time in Japan recently when two young men took their final vows as Divine Word Missionaries.
Joseph Hy SVD and Keiji Arata SVD both spent some time in the AUS Province during their formation, an experience they say had a big impact on their understanding of missionary life.
Good Friday - the channel to Easter Sunday
Life presents to us many Good Fridays, in the form of obstacles, helplessness and brokenness. But what brings us to Easter Sunday is our understanding that we don’t get upset with the little hardships in life because our life’s journey is like a road and difficulties are like humps. They help us to avoid dangerous accidents.
So, learning to enjoy the challenges of life and moving on is the key to eventually arriving at Easter.
Alice Springs parish moving forward together in Christ
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish in Alice Springs has been finding new common ground through regular sharing of the Eucharist among members of the Arrernte indigenous community and the broader parish.
Historically, the Arrernte Catholic community, or Ngkarte Mikwekenhe community, has celebrated Mass at South Terrace Community Centre, across town from the main parish church. But since Holy Week last year, the two communities have been sharing the Eucharist together once a month.
We're all called to be 'bringers of hope'
As this edition of In the Word reaches you, we are about to embark on the Easter Triduum, those blessed days of entering into the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It’s a busy time for many of us, with all the liturgies to attend and be part of. But on the flip-side, it is also, for Christians, a time of profound un-busyness, of deep quiet, of fasting, prayer and reflection.
Work underway to review professional standards protocols
The SVD AUS Province has begun the work of reviewing and formulating the Province’s policies and protocols in the area of Professional Standards, with the aim of producing a best-practice manual which will contribute to a safer Church and safer society.
The move forms part of the Province’s initial response to the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
'When I don't have enough strength, I start to pray'
Life as a missionary student has all kinds of challenges, but Maciej Zielinski SVD went looking for even more obstacles recently when he competed in the gruelling Spartan Race in Melbourne.
Maciej, from Poland, is in formation to be a Divine Word Missionary and is currently spending time in the AUS Province as part of the SVD Overseas Training Program.
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