Debra Vermeer
SVDs to bid fond farewell to St Cecilia’s Parish, Hamilton
The Divine Word Missionaries will say a fond farewell to St Cecilia’s Parish, Hamilton in Brisbane in early August, after almost 20 years of pastoring to a community that is renowned for its warmth and for the long-term commitment of its members to parish life.
That commitment can be seen in 99-year-old Gwendoline Gleeson who operates the overhead projector at weekend masses, along with her sister Viv, aged 90, who is the organist, as well as many other parishioners who have been involved with various ministries for decades.
Restoring hope in Cebu - "ordinary people can make a difference"
When Ron and Maria Natoli of Sydney, first visited Cebu in the Philippines 12 years ago and saw the city’s poorest people living on the rubbish tip, they knew they had to help.
Now, when they visit they see lives that have changed for the better, and according to Ron, it all comes down to building great partnerships.
Thank God for the gardeners - a reflection
In the Scriptures vineyards are often mentioned. A vineyard is, of course, a type of garden.
Helping seminarians in Laos an enriching experience, says Fr Anthony
Imagine studying for the priesthood at a seminary where there are no Bible commentaries or online homily resources in your own language.
For the students at St John Mary Vianney Major Seminary in Laos this is the situation they face. Fr Anthony Le Duc SVD recently visited Laos to lend a hand.
Change helps us to grow deeper into the life of Christ
They say that the one constant in life is change, and that is certainly true of the religious life. One of the great things about being in a missionary religious society is that ministries and personnel are always changing according to the needs of the time. It’s a dynamic way to live, although it does have the effect of regularly taking us out of our comfort zone, which can provide challenges and some short term pain.
Overseas Training Program helps Laurensius find real meaning of being a missionary
For Indonesia’s Laurensius Woda, being a part of the Divine Word Missionaries’ Overseas Training Program in New Zealand and Australia has helped him find the real meaning of being a religious missionary.
The Overseas/Cross-Cultural Training Program (OTP) gives missionary students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a new language, experience a new culture and engage in supervised ministry.
SVD postulants share vocations stories with parishes
The SVD Postulants of the Australia Province have been visiting SVD parishes and sharing their personal stories as part of special Vocations Weekends.
Postulant Steve Desveaux says it was a great experience to meet people in SVD parishes and share some of his own vocation journey with them.
Planning underway for World Mission Sunday
World Mission Sunday 2013 will be celebrated on Sunday, October 20.
It is a day when the worldwide Church celebrates and confirms its missionary nature and encourages all to take up their baptismal call to God's mission.
All parishes are invited to mark the day in their own unique way and we'd love to hear some of the things you have planned.
Archbishop Douglas Young stands against PNG death penalty
Australian-born Archbishop Douglas Young SVD, the Archbishop of Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea has spoken out strongly against the death penalty being introduced as punishment for crimes.
Archbishop Young has told the Fides Catholic News Agency that he condemns the pro-capital punishment campaign being carried out in the country.
Religious gather to pray together in Central Australia
Every morning, as the bright sun rises over Central Australia and the desert country slowly comes to life, a small group of Religious, from a variety of congregations, begin their day by gathering together to praise God.
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