Friday, 28 February 2025 18:07

Witnessing to the Light: Our presence is a small light of Jesus

Daniel Polla SVD Daly River 350My name is Daniel Polla, and I am originally from Indonesia. The Australia Province is my second mission assignment as a Divine Word Missionary. On 10 December 2023, Bishop Charles Gauci of Darwin Diocese placed me as the parish priest and Yanuarius Salu as the co-pastor of Daly River Parish - my first mission assignment in the Australia Province. St Francis Xavier Parish in Daly River has five communities located at varying distances from the central parish. Some communities even take over two hours driving on rough roads to reach them.

The mission is everywhere.

Mission in Daly River has a long history.  Before Divine Word Missionaries served in Daly River Parish, other congregations started the mission there. The old church at that time was located in Mango Farm. The faith of people grew with different generations in different places. They walked together with different priests in different eras finding a good place for building their identity.  At the end of their journey, they occupied the new church which was blessed in 1961 in the heart of Daly’s community, where it remains today. In the centre of the community, they developed among different clans and languages.


"Witnessing to the Light: From Everywhere, for Everyone"

  1. The sign of light

Daly River Parish is an old community, but many people are unaware of the treasures of the Church. From the beginning, we have taught and guided people there with deep patience. Being patient with the people is essential to enrich our inner selves and make our lives a model of faith and patience. This kind of service takes time, but I believe that people are aware that I am there for them.

The mission is everywhere so their lifestyle can involve others. Sometimes people come to the presbytery asking for holy water, holy oil, rosary and prayers. That is a golden moment to share with them. Listening to them gives me a feeling that they are important in this mission and motivates me to walk together in the way of Jesus.

Daly’s people come and give me a sign of faith by their simple attention, for example reminding me about the flood. They are worried about our lives and the continuity of mission. It is a sign of their faith which is teaching me that saving life is crucial. Taking the initiative in every moment to engage in positive activities fills the community life with a spirit of mission.

  1. Living in community enlightens our lives.

Living as an SVD missionary in Daly River is also an opportunity to enlighten ourselves with improvement. We recharge our light through the spirit of the Word of God and strive to embody the Word in our mission to the Daly River people.

Many people there do not have Bibles or knowledge about the Church, so our presence becomes the word of God for them. People often share their struggles and longing for a peaceful life which means free from fighting, break-ins, alcohol, and drugs. Being patient and understanding their anxieties are essential in spreading our light. Moreover, accompanying the local people to become lights for one another is another challenge in the mission. It is a matter of how they have willingness to bring the light to their clan to achieve the peace.

Our commitment to the Word inspires us to be present in their lives, especially during the difficult moments. Sometimes, people come to the presbytery speaking loudly, asserting their ownership of the land and demanding everything we have. In such moments, I turn to silence and prayer, allowing the Word to heal them from within. Facing the hardest situations remind me about what is the basic reason for my presence there for them. Sometimes, like a rubbish bin, we receive all without rejecting them. It helps them to be calm and slowly return to their house silently.

  1. Our presence is the mission itself.

These words offer us a good way to value our lives in the mission of Jesus. However, sometimes my experiences from another place have tempted me to do the same thing in Daly. I realised, though, that it is not appropriate for that thing to be done here. Thankfully, through my daily reflection, I have come to understand these words, that my presence is mission. People need my presence not for doing many things, because that might give them trouble and confuse them because my actions are not suitable for their culture.  Learning to understand them by giving my ear in short conversations, visiting their house, chatting in the supermarket or even in council office meetings, helps me to grow step by step and get closer to them. It helps me understand better what their needs are in their cultural context and become a light among them.   

Working with the Daly River people requires immense patience. I must fill my bottle fully of the Light and with the oil of the patience.  This reality teaches me that people there have difficulties in keeping their promises. They often easily make a promise but, in the end, they might easily abandon it with many excuses.  Many Aboriginal people there depend on government compensation for their livelihood. During the dry season, they go hunting and fishing, living closely tied to their culture. Our approach is primarily through presence rather than excessive talking, allowing our actions to convey the message of faith and love.

  1. Patience produces more patience.

 When we have “sorry business” which refers to deep condolences, people come from everywhere as one family to support each other and especially to comfort the grieving family. The light of passion of Christ that I have, pushes me to touch the hurt of the community.  I feel a part of that one family, and that has become a torch to guide the community. Patiently embracing this situation is like spreading the nets of the word of God. I see that the patience of a family accompanying other family opens up more patience in the community to hope and pray together for a good future.


"Witnessing to the Light: From Everywhere, for Everyone" requires us to prepare well for sharing what we have with others. The sharing takes time and patience. The word of God strengthens us to go out for the good of all creation.