Saturday, 28 September 2024 11:03

Communications Congress looks at new ways of sharing missionary message

Joseph and Debra with Archbishop ORegan at Media Congress 550 brighterThe Divine Word Missionaries were well-represented at the recent Australian Catholic Communications Congress, which took the theme, ‘Missionary Message for the Modern World’.

The SVD also came away from the Congress with an Australasian Catholic Press Association award for an article on confreres growing their own gardens – an activity which contributes to both spirituality and sustainability.

Province Communications Coordinator Fr Joseph Reddy SVD and Communications Officer Debra Vermeer attended the Congress, which was held in Sydney from August 28-30.

Fr Joseph said the missionary theme of the Congress tied in strongly with the SVD’s emphasis on communications as being one of its four characteristic dimensions.

“The theme, ‘Missionary Message for the Modern World’ really reflects the great urgency in taking the gospel to everyone and the changing nature of the world around us,” Fr Joseph said.

“It really highlighted again for me the importance of bringing God’s message of hope, faith and love through Catholic media and communication channels.

“I highly value the work we do as a Catholic communications team within the SVD Australia Province.”

In his welcome message, Adelaide Archbishop Patrick O’Regan, delegate for the Australian Catholic Media Council, said the theme of the 2024 Congress reflected the desire for a mission-oriented Church as outlined by Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel).

“It also highlights the important role of communicators in making sure that our message is relevant to the times, and the world, in which we live,” he said.

Media Congress Dinner Peter Greste ACBC 550Among the keynote speakers were Pauline Sister Rose Pacatte FSP an expert in media literacy, who is from the United States but based in Rome, Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney, Richard Umbers who spoke about Sydney’s bid to host the 2028 International Eucharistic Congress, Artificial Intelligence practitioner Tom Finnigan, Adrian Cropley from Sacred Heart Mission in Melbourne, Nicole Chehine from Caritas Australia and Fr Sam French, a young priest from Broken Bay Diocese with a large online following.

The Congress also featured a range of masterclasses on a wide variety of topics, including social media, website design, video, book publishing, strategic communications, creativity and digital communication, newsletter production, government advocacy, photography, and Artificial Intelligence and ethics.

The Congress Dinner was held at NSW Parliament House and the guest speaker was academic, author and journalist, Peter Greste.

Peter has been working in the media for more than three decades, including 25 years as a foreign correspondent working for the BBC, Al Jazeera and Reuters.

After a 400-day spell in custody in Egypt on terrorism charges (accused of “news reporting which was ‘damaging to national security’”), he was released in February 2015 and deported to Australia. Peter has made it his mission to advocate for media freedom everywhere. He was awarded the 2015 Australian Human Rights Medal and is a past winner of the Peabody Award for a BBC documentary on Somalia. The story of how his family took on the Egyptian government to get him out of prison is told in the book Freeing Peter (Penguin 2016).

Fr Joseph said the highlight of the Congress for him was to hear from AI expert, Tom Finnigan, who spoke about both the benefits and the dangers of this emerging digital technology.

“He informed us of the dangers of artificial intelligence in our current times, in terms of disinformation, fake news, malevolent users etc, but also he encouraged us to get into AI and help form it at this early stage, as you would form a baby’s growth,” he said.

“I have learnt that there is a need for a moral voice in AI to guide and to direct the power of communications in the digital landscape.

“I believe AI has risen to a stage where we need to be into it because it’s here to stay and either you are with it or you will be thrown out the window.

“Of course, the challenges are mighty, but our immediate need is to get into AI and fill it with moral values and teach the younger generation the core values of safe and responsible use of AI.”

ACPA Awards Night 2024 550Fr Joseph said he also appreciated being able to meet many more communicators working in the Church.

“It was a privilege to be able to attend this gathering and learn much more about what others are doing in terms of best practice that we might build on with our communications in the Australia Province.”

The Congress also incorporated the annual meeting of the Australasian Catholic Press Association, with Debra winning a Highly Commended award at the ACPA Awards function for a story published in this publication, In the Word.

The article, entitled ‘Green-thumbed SVD’s Welcome Spiritual Focus on Season of Creation’, focused on three SVDs, Fr Truc Phan, Fr Manh Le and student Thuc Van Truong who are doing their bit in Caring for Our Common Home by growing their own gardens in Emerald, Queensland and Palm Island.

The judge’s comments said it was a: “Well-written article showcasing how small gestures within the community have big impacts on the environment”.

“Fr Truc Phan SVD, Parish Priest in Queensland, echoes Pope Francis’ sentiments on caring for creation, by encouraging his parishioners to live sustainably - He grows his own garden and shares produce with his community. Paired with good quality images, the article also provides Fr Truc’s pastoral perspective on how being sustainable is also being spiritual. Highly inspiring!” the judge said.

Debra said she was delighted to win the award for a story which highlighted the SVD’s on-the-ground commitment to Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation.

“The whole Congress was a real joy to attend,” she said. “To see so many good and talented people working together to communicate the Mission of the Church to the world in which we live, using the various tools available was inspiring and affirming. I’m grateful to be able to work with the SVD who place such importance on communicating the Good News.”


TOP RIGHT: Fr Joseph Reddy SVD, Debra Vermeer and Archbishop Patrick O'Regan at the Australian Catholic Communications Congress.

MIDDLE LEFT: Journalist and academic Peter Greste addresses the Communications Congress dinner at NSW Parliament House.

BOTTOM RIGHT: Debra, centre, receiving her ACPA award, presented by Archbishop O'Regan and ACPA Immediate Past-President Neil Helmore.