The SVD Australia Province celebrated Word of God Sunday recently in a variety of different ways, honouring St Arnold Janssen’s devotion to the Word, as expressed in the naming of his missionary order The Society of the Divine Word.
Biblical Apostolate coordinator for the Province, Fr Elmer Ibarra SVD, said the Sunday of the Word of God was celebrated in Australia on February 9, the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
“Most of our parishes marked the day by placing a particular emphasis in their homilies on the importance of the Word of God in the liturgy and in everyday life,” he said.
Some examples of how SVD parishes celebrated the day came from various parts of the Province, including Central West Queensland, Sydney and Myanmar.
Parish priest of Central West Queensland cluster of parishes, Fr Peter Bang SVD, said that during Mass at St Brigid’s Parish in Longreach during the Sunday of the Word of God, the parishioners placed the enthroned Bible in a prominent place on the altar to remind everyone of the importance of the Word of God in the liturgy.
“The enthroned Bible was surrounded with a candle, flowers and a globe emphasising how we should preach the Word of God around the world through our words and more importantly with our actions,” said Fr Elmer.
Meanwhile, at the St Arnold Janssen chapel at the SVD provincial house in Marsfield, Sydney, the SVD lay collaborators also enthroned the Bible on the altar along with a framed quotation they’d made of St Arnold’s favourite Bible verse: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” – John 1:1.
“They also placed on that table on the altar complimentary books from the Archdiocese of Sydney featuring parts of the Bible (the New Testament and Psalms), which church-goers can get for free,” said Fr Elmer.
“For me, this is a good initiative, ensuring that people who don’t have a Bible can have one (or at least part of it) for free and hopefully, they might start reading it learning more of the life of Jesus in the Gospels and the lives and works of the apostles.”
And in Yangon, Myanmar, Fr Deva Savariyappan SVD facilitated a number of activities in two communities.
“First, there was a Bible enthronement, followed with Mass for the Carmelites Sisters community,” Fr Elmer said.
“Second, he celebrated with St Joseph’s Sisters and the poor children under their care. Their activities included scriptural songs and prayers, a Bible quiz bee and Bible action songs.
“These activities, no matter how simple, were fun and enjoyable for the children and adults. Aside from emphasising the importance of the Bible in our faith, these activities will help form our young people in loving the Bible and learning about the lives of various people mentioned in the Bible like Adam and Eve, Moses, Samuel, Samson, Noah, Daniel, Queen Esther and many more in the Old Testament, along with Jesus, Mary, Joseph, King Herod, Peter, Andrew, Paul, Mary Magdalene, Priscilla and many more in the New Testament.
“I’ve always believed that as Divine Word Missionaries, it is our task to spread The Word to everyone.
“I pray that these activities will enhance our love for the Bible, to learn more about the life and teachings of Jesus and to apply them to our daily lives, wherever we are - from the urban areas of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, to remote areas like Palm Island and Longreach, to villages in Thailand and Myanmar. May God’s Word continue to spread.”
TOP RIGHT: Fr Peter Bang SVD with the enthroned Bible at St Brigid's Church Longreach in Central West Queensland on Word of God Sunday.
MIDDLE LEFT: Fr Deva Savariyappan SVD with the St Joseph Sisters handing out prizes to the winners of the Bible Quiz.
BOTTOM RIGHT: Enthroned Bible at the St Arnold Janssen Chapel in Marsfield, Sydney.