Scripture Reflections

For more than 1500 years the first Sunday after Easter had been known in the Liturgical Books as “Sunday in White Garments -- Dominica in Albis”.

Thursday, 18 April 2019 17:28

Easter Sunday - 2019

Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation, ‘The Joy of the Gospel’, states, “There are Christians whose lives seems like Lent without Easter”. Are we that?


Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphant entry of Christ into Jerusalem, just days before He was to be crucified.

There was a priest who got assigned to a new parish. While listening to  confessions of the people, he noticed that a lot of them confessed that they “fell off the bridge”.

One Saturday afternoon, after an AA Meeting, one woman came up to me and said: “Larry, I don’t have a Higher Power I can relate to.  Can you recommend something I might read that could help me?”


Whenever I would go on “Home Leave” to Chicago from England or Australia, my brother and I would visit the cemetery to pray at the graves of our parents and brother and sister and some other relatives.

Whenever I have the chance, I watch a movie every now and then. Sometimes there is something at the movies that catches my attention and if I have the time, I’ll go and watch it as my form of stress-reducing recreation.

The temptations of Jesus in the desert is the theme for this Sunday. We’ve well and truly begun the season of Lent.

One of my favourite late night shows was the “Late Show with David Letterman”. David Letterman was a late night show host from the late 70s and he has just retired lately.

About 25 years ago while on retreat I read a book by the Scripture scholar, Dominic Crossan, entitled The Historical Jesus: the life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant.

“Blessed are you who are poor…blessed are you who are hungry…blessed are you who are weeping…blessed are you when people hate you…Familiar words that we might have heard several times already.

The willing response of Isaiah “Here I am, send me,” helps us reflect on our own response to God’s call. The call, to follow God’s will, is always present. How do I respond? Time to reflect on this question indeed!

When one is invited to a party there is the expectation of a good time to be had: good food, pleasant company, lively conversation, and the presence of the gracious host.

Having been baptised by John and confirmed he His Father (“This is my well-beloved Son; listen to him), Jesus began to preach the message of God’s love.

I’m unashamed to say that I’m a “Mama’s Boy”. Whenever I needed something and I can’t get it from my dad, I always turned to my mum and without a doubt my dad would give in.

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